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Liberace Biography

Władziu Valentino Liberace (May 16, 1919 – February 4, 1987), mononymously known as Liberace, was an American pianist and vocalist.

A child prodigy and the first generation son of working class immigrants, Liberace's career spanned over 4 decades of concerts, recordings, motion pictures, television and endorsements.

Liberace became world-famous, earning two Emmy Awards, six gold albums and two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He was received by British royalty and numerous US Presidents. During the 1950s–1970s he was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the highest-paid entertainer in the world and embraced a lifestyle of extravagant flamboyance both on and off stage.

Liberace's piano-playing style was both celebrated and pilloried for his stylized flourishes, trademark double and triple arpeggios and his condensing of classical pieces, leaving out what he called 'all the boring parts.'


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